Commitment to the environment
Our society's commitment to environmental protection is clear and unequivocal. For Grandvalira Soldeu - El Tarter, respect for the environment is a priority, we are fully aware of our impact, and we work to minimize it, maintaining a respectful attitude towards the territory.
We prioritize efforts and investment to minimize the impact of our facilities on the land. The resort monitors the conservation of mountain ecosystems, including biodiversity. We protect and preserve the natural environment of the wood grouse's habitat, a protected species in Andorra and throughout the Pyrenees.
We encourage our visitors to be responsible with the territory and, all the people who make up Grandvalira, follow strategic guidelines to guarantee sustainability.
Our environmental policy goes beyond the event itself. We prioritize the use of sustainable materials and the preservation of the natural resources we use. For example, we have several systems to control the use of water throughout the year and prevent it from being wasted. We are pioneers in the hydrogeological study of basins to optimize the use of water, in collaboration with the University of Lleida.
The snow-making system optimizes the use of natural resources through information from the snow tread machines equipped with sonar and GPS mapping on all the slopes, including the competition slopes. This information is translated into the actual state of the snow layer, so the snow cannons produce the quantities strictly necessary to make snow, without wasting water or electricity, and reducing carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. The calculation and monitoring of our carbon footprint is implemented throughout Soldeu El Tarter.
With historical data, we optimize every year our goals of reducing emissions and production of waste, and energy efficiency.
As an example, all the energy consumed at the resort comes from renewable sources, specifically from the country's hydropower, significantly reducing our carbon footprint.
This season, we will be piloting the use of plant-based fuel for the snow groomers, which will guarantee a reduction of up to 90 % of emissions.
Our goal is to achieve decarbonized events in the immediate future.
At Grandvalira Soldeu - El Tarter we have developed an environmental management plan, specific policies, and procedures to achieve these milestones in accordance with the ISO 14001:2015 standard. This standard has been implemented since 2002, now for more than 20 years.
Accessibility and social character

Grandvalira Soldeu - El Tarter works to guarantee accessibility: for access, facilities, buildings, and services, to bring the mountains, snow, skiing and great events closer than ever to everyone.
We continue to analyse and act with the aim of ensuring the application of what is currently known as universal mobility. This integrative approach is incorporated into the Master Plan of the Grandvalira Soldeu - El Tarter resort to gradually eliminate the current physical barriers in the skiing area.
All the information on the website is adapted with an accessibility menu for people with visual impairments and other groups to guarantee a fully accessible user experience.
Paper materials, dossiers, or publications will be reinforced with QR codes that will forward individuals to videos with sign language translation.
We continue to maintain privileged contact with governmental and non-profit associations of a social nature so that they can participate in the FIS Alpine Europa Cup Andorra, either as spectators, volunteers, or active participants in the event.