31 May 2024 - 9:47

An emotional event to pay tribute to the volunteers brings the events to promote the Andorra 2029 candidacy to an end

The events to promote the candidacy for the Andorra 2029 Alpine World Ski Championships concluded this afternoon with an emotional tribute being paid to the trajectory and dedication of the volunteers who for almost twenty years have participated in the organisation of the different World Cups, World Cup Finals, European Cups and European Cup Finals. The auditorium in the Palau de Gel in Andorra in Canillo was the meeting point where homage was paid to the community of volunteers. The opportunity was also taken to showcase the bid’s project in full. The head coordinator of the volunteers, Rosa Rubio praised the exemplary work of the volunteers. “When we say that they are the soul of the event, that truly is the case. They give it their all and many of them take days off work from their jobs to come.” In fact, she vouched that “without volunteers we just would not be able not undertake World Cups. It is paradoxical, because when the event ends, they come to thank us for them being there and we are actually the ones who are immensely grateful.”

The pool of volunteers that the organising committee is able to count on amounts to 600 people that have participated in the various events over the years. Of these, 65% are volunteers that perform tasks on the courses themselves, and 35% perform work in places outside the competition areas.

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